Challenge #2 Follow-Up

So I challenged you guys to share the gospel and invite your friends to church, church activities, etc. and to share your experience if you would like. Here is my experience:

 I prayed to Heavenly Father asking for direction and one of my friend's name popped into my head. The past three weeks we have been talking about our religious beliefs and I invited her to come to mutual. She is thinking about it and I am happy to have got this far with her and I have full faith in my Heavenly Father.

Missionary moments and inviting others to come unto Christ isn't easy, it takes faith. Over time and in The Lord's timing, things will start to fall into place and the experiences you have will only strengthen your faith in your Savior, Jesus Christ. Sometimes the experiences we hope to change others and bring them unto Christ, ends up changing us and bringing us closer to our Savior in the process. Things aren't going to go well sometimes and you start feeling you want to just give up... But sisters, keep pressing forward! Keep your head held high and rely on The Lord. We may never understand His wisdom, but we must simply trust His will.


Nicole said...

Way to go girl! Ur an awesome example! In a church missionary book I read recently it says, we can't judge our success on others responses to our invitations, we are successful when we extend invitations :) I have been working on being more friendly and happy when I am out and about so that these opportunities might come up :)

Kylie Paige Ball said...


Thank you :) Yes, that is so true! Thanks for sharing that! I just love how all that stuff works out :) And good job to you too!

lilybit said...

We took your challenge as a family and my Mark just had the opportunity to share his testimony of the plan of salvation to a man whose father just passed away. The missionaries met with all his family and were able to give them answers and peace. Being prepared we were able to be there for someone at the right time and place.

Kylie Paige Ball said...


That is so awesome and I'm happy to hear! Keep it up :)